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Burde Bootcamp | FREE Weekly Exercise Programming

Get in the Best Shape of Your Life with Coach Danny’s Bootcamp Program

Welcome to the Burde Bootcamp, the most comprehensive FREE weekly exercise programming from start to finish!

If you are here because you already know that you want to opt in to the weekly email list, enter your email below.

Keep reading if you want to know about what equipment is needed, how long each session is, and how often you should workout.

How it Works

When you sign up on the email subscriber list, you will get an email every Sunday at 6am PST with the upcoming week’s workouts. If you’d rather not get an email, check back in every Sunday on the Exercise Blog for the updated programming.

Each week has 7 full workouts, from start to finish (see “Workout Template”). Two of the workouts are designed to be recovery style, which are intended to be performed at a lower intensity (50%). You can perform these workouts on any day you’d like, and I encourage you to listen to your body as far as when to take your rest days.

The workouts are a fantastic blend of cardio, ab/core strengthening, weightlifting, and circuit training. See “Equipment Needed” for more info on what you will need.

This program follows the principles of General Physical Preparedness (GPP). This concept prioritizes functional style exercises that will help you develop strength, speed, endurance, and mobility.

Iron Crew Athletics has developed it’s own Fitness Pyramid, and each workout is based off of these principles.

How Often Should I Workout?

Although there are 7 workouts written each week, that does not mean you should perform all 7 workouts. Personally, I feel at my best when I do something every day.

On days when I want to take a “rest” day, I simply dial back the intensity to about 50%. This allows me to keep my mind sharp and get the blood flowing throughout the body.

So how much is right for YOU? Here are some guidelines based on your current physical fitness level.

Beginner: 0-6 months of exercise experience, or coming off of a 1+ month layoff from exercise. It is recommended that you perform 3 workouts per week at a low intensity (50%) and walk 30 minutes at a casual pace on the other 4 days of the week.

Intermediate: 6-12 months of consistent exercise experience. It is recommended that you perform 3-4 workouts per week at a moderate intensity (60-70%), 1 workout at low intensity (50%), and the other days walk for 30-60 minutes.

Advanced: 12-18 months of consistent exercise experience. Recommended 4-5 workouts per week at a moderate to high intensity (65-80%), 1-2 workouts at a low intensity (50%), and the rest of the days perform some sort of non-gym related exercise for 30-90 minutes.

Expert: 18+ months of consistent exercise experience. Recommended 5-6 workouts per week at a moderate to high intensity (70-85%) and 1-2 workouts at a low intensity (50%). These individuals should rely on intuition regarding when to take a non-gym exercise day and go for a walk or a hike.

Equipment Required

Frequently used equipment…

  1. Kettlebell(s)
  2. Dumbbell(s)
  3. Jump Rope

Commonly used equipment, but can be modified easily…

  1. Ab Wheel
  2. Exercise Bands
  3. Heavier DB’s/KB’s

Never programmed, but can be used if available…

  1. Barbell with Weights
  2. Pull Up Bar
  3. Box (for Step Ups & Box Jumps)

If you don’t have a specific piece of equipment, all exercises can be modified according to your needs. I do my best to write an appropriate substitute, but it is impossible to take everyone’s circumstances into consideration.

If you need assistance with how to substitute a specific exercise, please email me at, I would love to help!

Workout Template

Each workout has 6 segments. This is to ensure a well rounded approach to your fitness.

Each workout has…

  1. Warm-Up (8-10 Minutes) – Increase core temperature, work on correctional exercises, and ease your body into the session.
  2. Core (15-20 Minutes) – Specifically target and strengthen the core. This includes abdominals, obliques, hip flexors, glutes, lower back, spinal erectors, and hamstrings. You will see core work in 3 ways…static holds, hip flexion, and rotational trunk twists.
  3. Strength (15-20 Minutes) – Increase strength in the 4 major lifts…squats, deadlifts, overhead pressing, and pushing (bench press). This includes tempo work, explosive training, unilateral work, and much more. These exercises are not limited to weight lifting, as strength can be built with certain bodyweight movements as well.
  4. Conditioning (15-20 Minutes) – This is usually a circuit training style session that combines weightlifting, gymnastics, calisthenics, running, jump rope, and much more. These are not supposed to be done at an all out pace (unless specified). These should be done under control, with focus, proper form, and intentional breathing.
  5. Accessory (10-15 Minutes) – Here you will work on strengthening muscles that are often under developed in the majority of people. This includes the upper back, lats, traps, and glutes. This is also a time where smaller body parts are targeted such as triceps, biceps, and forearms.
  6. Cool Down (8-10 Minutes) – This is where we focus on mobility in the form of static stretching or foam rolling. This is a time to calm your central nervous system and get your body back down to homeostasis before moving on with your day or evening.

Each day of the week has a specific focus or theme. This will allow for consistency in the program and a systematic way to improve your fitness.

Monday – Weightlifting focus. You will see some sort of weighted exercise during most, if not all of the segments of the workout on this day.

Tuesday – Tabata focus. One Tabata Interval is 8 Sets of :20 Work/:10 Rest. This is a great way to introduce intensity, develop muscular endurance, and increase cardio capacity. Most exercises on this day will be light weight or bodyweight.

Wednesday – Core focus. You will see a ton of core exercises on this day to help develop those washboard abs.

Thursday – Recovery focus. You will see relatively longer conditioning circuits with no weightlifting on these days. This is one of those days that is designed to be active recovery and performed a very low intensity.

Friday – Functional Fitness focus. These are your classic CrossFit/Functional Fitness style workouts that will leave you flat on the floor gasping for air.

Saturday – Interval Training focus. This is a track day! Head out to the track and get some speed work in.

Sunday – Non-Gym Fitness. This is your day to do some sort of non-structured physical activity. Go play a sport, go on a long hike, do a yoga or spin class, play with your kids, or just simply get out in the sun and go for a walk. Whatever you do, don’t pick up a dumbbell or kettle bell. This is just as much a mental sanity day as it is a physical recovery day. I will provide a full body stretching and foam rolling routine on this day if you are in need of some ideas.

What if I Am Short on Time?

You might be thinking, “Danny, this is a lot!”. To which I would respond, “You want an amazing looking functional body? This is what it takes!”

Everything in this program is intentional and designed to turn you into a well oiled, functioning human being that is strong, flexible, and pain free. This INCLUDES the Warm Up, Accessory, and Cool Down. Don’t skip them!

With that said, I understand that life gets in the way. So what if you are short on time and cannot commit to the entire program?

Here is the order in which you should eliminate portions of the program…

  1. Warm-Up – Wait what? Yes, you read that correctly. Eliminating the Warm-Up still leaves you with a relatively lengthy Core session, which would act as your new Warm-Up.
  2. Conditioning – Although this may be the sexiest part of the session plan, it’s the least important to your overall health and functionality. If you are short on time, then chances are you also live a relatively busy/stressful life. The conditioning portion is a stressor that you can afford to eliminate for your overall well-being.
  3. Cool Down – It pains me to say this, but yes, skipping the Cool Down is next on the list. It should be noted that if you are extremely tight and in chronic pain, this may be more important than doing the Accessory work.
  4. Accessory – Although these are often under developed areas and sometimes the “show muscles”, they are called accessory for a reason. They shouldn’t be prioritized in your training.
  5. Strength – This is arguably the most important piece to the program, and I personally struggled putting this ahead of Core. My philosophy is most people are battling chronic lower back pain and overall core weakness, so I’d hate for most to skip out on the Core.
  6. Core – If you made it this far down the list, your fitness will have to take a back seat based on your life’s current circumstances. Your next best bet is to focus solely on nutrition to make sure that you stay as healthy as possible. Learn more about the Iron Crew Nutrition Pyramid HERE.

Common Modifications


During a conditioning workout or warm-up, a good substitute for each 400m is 100 Mt. Climbers, 100 Flutter Kicks, or 200 Jumping Jacks.

For those who would rather row or do assault bike on the Saturday Interval workouts, here is a general rule of thumb for distance substitutes…

Row – For every 400m Running, it is 500m Rowing.

Assault Bike – For every 400m Running, it is 1200m on the Assault Bike.

Jump Rope

For those who cannot perform Double Unders, here are my recommendations…

High Jump Single Unders – Perform one of these for every one Double Under.

Tuck Jumps – Perform half of the reps for Tuck Jumps as Double Unders.

Jumping Jacks – Perform twice as many Jumping Jacks as Double Unders.

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Custom Exercise & Nutrition Coaching

If you’re looking for a more customized approach to your nutrition and/or exercise programming based on your individual needs, I’d love to work with you. Click HERE more information!

About the Author

Danny Burde is the founder of Iron Crew Athletics and holds Bachelor’s degrees in both Psychology & Kinesiology. Danny is a CrossFit Level 2 Coach and was Head Coach at NC Fit for 2 years before starting Iron Crew Athletics. Danny has been immersed in fitness since he was 12 years old and has a passion for helping others.

Danny specializes in helping people find sustainable exercise and nutrition plans. His vision is a world where everyone stays in shape and eats healthy…forever!

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