
The Beginning – Learn How and Why Iron Crew Athletics Started

This is the original Iron Crew logo!

“Everybody has something that they can share with other people.” – Kevin Don, Strength Bias Training

Coaching thousands of hours of CrossFit classes, I quickly realized something.  In order to lead a class successfully, I had to have a solid plan in action.  That meant a precise timeline which included a scripted explanation of the workout, a warm up, pre-planned teaching cues, post workout stretching, and the list goes on.

What I noticed was that even though I had a detailed plan, NO two classes were the same.  I always went off on a side tangent about something that I believed would be helpful to the class.  It could have been workout strategy, pacing, CrossFit history, mobility tips, nutrition advice, Taylor Swift gossip, relationship advice, nothing was off limits!

People seemed to enjoy my little side comments and knowledge bombs so I began thinking of ways to share this information.  I started to understand that not everyone knew what I did about all things fitness, health, nutrition, mobility, and CrossFit related.  Sometimes we forget all of the information we have accumulated over the years is not common knowledge.  We take it for granted.  I didn’t want to take it for granted anymore!

After being inspired by the “5am Iron Crew”, I decided to create this website to diseminate the information across every platform in order to help as many people as I possibly could.  Consider this an all access pass to my sick and twisted mind.  Just like my classes, NOTHING is off limits.


When I began coaching CrossFit full time at NC Fit – Redwood City, they only offered 5am classes three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  I made a strong push to make 5am a Monday – Friday class and asked the operator why we don’t have it every day.  His response was, “Because we’ve never had anyone who wanted to coach it every day!”  I guess I was the only one crazy enough to want to do it.

I took that as a challenge and offered to coach it every day.  I also made it my personal goal that by the end of the year, 5am would be the biggest class of the day!  A huge stretch since 5pm and 6pm typically ran 20-25 deep.  We started off with a very consistent base of just 3-4 members who came every morning at 5am.  I always joked that nobody works out at 5am because they want to, it’s because they HAVE to for some reason or another.

I always loved coaching 5am because I enjoyed bringing my natural high energy and excitement for fitness to people at such a God awful time.  It made the hour much more enjoyable for everyone.  I was truly inspired by those who workout at that hour.  They had to set their alarm at the ass crack of dawn in order to get their workout in, because they are so busy that if they don’t, they won’t be able to workout.  This told me that to them, fitness is a priority and a lifestyle.  Fitness was NOT an option for them.

In order to get the 5am crew pumped up for their new daily class, I encouraged them to create a nickname for themselves.  This got them excited to be a part of that class, and gave them a sense of pride and accountability for being a part of it.  We tossed around some ideas about how they were the 5am “Beasts” or “Demons”.  A few of them sounded cool but nothing really stuck.  One morning out of the blue a 5am guy said, “We’re the 5am Iron Crew!  Where Iron sharpens Iron.”  I literally jumped in the air, pointed at him, and said “Yes! That’s it! We are the 5am Iron Crew!”

I sought out to make a logo and some shirts for all of our Iron Crew members.  Then I thought, “Why stop there?”.  I can reach out to everyone with this mentality and share information and knowledge to anyone who wants to pass through this website.  As I decided what I should call this website I couldn’t think of a better way to describe it.

The “5am Iron Crew” had a special kind of motivation, desire, and passion for fitness.  They had no choice but to set their alarm before 5am in order to get their workout in for the day.  It was not a choice for them, they had to do it.  Fitness was not an option.  It was a lifestyle, a passion, and a requirement to live a fulfilling life.

I hope this site provides you with all of the information you need to live the same amazing life that the “5am Iron Crew” lives every day.

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